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8 - 14, 2001
Day 306, Thur, March 8, 2001 – We slept in since
we got up at 6:00 yesterday, had an excellent Thai lunch, then made plans at
travel agents and adventure folks. The
city is like a new, white bread version of Thamel in Katmandu – it caters to
the hippie adrenalin junkie, but also the BMW crowd. The city is not only the adventure capital of NZ, but
probably of the world. It’s not
even ski season, and everything else you can think of is featured here –
skydiving, hangliding, parasailing, white-water rafting, canyoning, mountain
biking, jet-boating, rock climbing, river-surfing, and sledging. We could easily
spend weeks here (not to mention hundreds of dollars), but we settled on just a
couple things since our time and cash budget would not indulge all of our
fantasies (although we discussed which friends of ours would enjoy which
activities). Of course, the
granddaddy and most famous activity of them all is the original New Zealand
invention of bungy jumping! It
all started when Kiwi A.J. Hackett saw a video of the islanders in Vanuatu
throwing themselves off
wooden towers with nothing more than vines tied to their feet.
had been doing it for centuries, but it took modern documentaries to bring the
activity to the world. A.J. did
some experiments with rubber cords to try to minimize the inevitable broken
legs, cracked skulls and death factors, then made a dramatic leap himself from
the Eiffel tower in 1987 to prove its viability. A
year later, the world’s first permanent commercial bungee sight was opened on
Kewaru bridge in Queenstown. Our
appointment at Kewaru was for 4:00 (I don’t know why it was “our”
appointment since Naomi sure as hell wasn’t going to jump).
We got there a little early to watch some jumps.
Each time, the crowd let out a collective gasp, followed by the
jumper’s scream
echoing off the canyon walls. They
even let a young Japanese couple go together, holding on to each other.
I think it was the guy’s idea because he was laughing and waving to the
camera while his partner screamed bloody murder the whole time.
Naomi saw the light bulb go on over my head, but smacked it down right
away. The bridge isn’t all that
high – just 43 meters from the river, but it is the only place that actually
gives you a “splashdown” dunk in the water, which is what I wanted to do.
Since the bridge is right off a main road into town, it attracts a lot of
spectators (and brake lights on the road).
There’s a viewing platform at the top and at the bottom near the river.
Naomi went to
the platform to take photos while I did all the preparation.
Before the jump, they weigh you – which is the embarrassing part as
they write your total weight with indelible red ink on the back of your hand for
everyone to see. Then you go the
bridge and wait in line, getting a close-up view of the other jumpers as they
get ready to take off. Seeing the
fear in their faces makes some people back out at this point.
When it’s your turn, you sit on a small stool while they
wrap a towel, rope and cord apparatus around your legs so there’s no going
back. All the while, the guys are
giving hearty encouragement and advice in the casual manner only Aussies and
Kiwis can master. I decided to trust
these college-age jock types with my life, even though the final link to the
cord is what
appears to be a much-too-tiny climbing hook that wouldn’t hold someone half my
size. Once the cords are
ready, you scoot out on the ledge, inching to a point where your toes are
sticking out over it and you can see only air and water below them.
When the handler lets go of the bungy cord to dangle under you, the
weight of it tugs at your feet like a little dog.
Your heart is racing a mile a minute and adrenalin is peaking your
senses. Some people cope by not
looking down at all and others stare at the river gurgling far below and wonder
(out loud) “what the hell am I doing here!!??”.
As they say at the top – “the first meter is the hardest”.
The decision is then all yours, with a little psychological “help”
when the guys start the crowd going on a hurried “5-4-3-2-1-Bungy!!”
Many people are so fired up and ready to get it over with they are off
the ledge by “3”, then the world becomes a blur.
For those who haven’t had the pleasure of bungy jumping yet, it really
is impossible to explain. Try
having that stomach-gripping feeling you get from peering over the side of a
canyon, bridge, gondola, or skyscraper; followed by that horrible falling
feeling you have in nightmares that cause you to wake in a cold sweat with chest
heaving and pulse racing; then the feeling of elation as your body is snatched
from a messy splattering death by a giant rubber band, then the feeling of
weightlessness as you bounce upward and finally the joy of
swinging free with nothing but air and nature around you, waving to your friends
and cheering strangers. All of this
in 5 seconds, more or less. In the
interests of promoting One World Foundation, I
held our flag at the top of the jump for the photos and held on all the whole
way down – although it
got a bit tangled during the bouncing and spinning. I couldn’t see a thing
since it was fluttering in my face the whole way down.
I had asked the guys to dunk me about shoulder deep into the river, but
apparently my swan dive was too far out, so the bungy caught early and I missed
the water entirely. I was
disappointed since that was the only reason I chose this one over the gnarliest,
highest jump in town – the Nevis high-wire 134 meter jump.
That one would have been even
higher than the one I did over Victoria Falls in Zambia.
It’s probably a good thing though since it was windy and cold on the
bridge and the water was freezing. After
bouncing up
a few times, then dangling at the end of the cord, they lower you to a rubber
raft standing by on the river. They
guys in the raft pull you in like a dead tuna and untie the cord from your legs.
Everyone who does this jump has a goofy grin as they walk up the stairs
from the river to the viewing platform to try to expend their adrenalin with
friends and family. On the way up, my rubbery legs weren’t functioning quite
right and I tripped on one of the steps. Naomi
thought it was a riot.

On the interview front, as expected, the people watching
and working there all said “enjoying life and being healthy and having fun”.
After the jump, we went on a jet boat ride in the Shotover River. This is
one of
the most famous things to do in Queenstown (at least that’s what the photos of
Brooke Shields
in the office seem to convey). The
boats are amazing – they have some kind of special jet engine that allows them
to skim the surface of the water and make 360 degree turns on a dime.
They can also be steered so precisely; we come within inches of the
canyon walls, with everyone screaming in a splash.
guarantee you'll get wet, so they give you a rain jacket in addition to a life
vest. We sat in the front with the driver, who assured us that
he’s never had an accident (although another driver had a fatality once –
due of course to faulty equipment, not driving skill).
Sometimes, we just closed our eyes and hoped for the best. Back in
town we took in the sunset at the lake while watching little kids feed the
Day 307, Fri, March 9, 2001 – Today we decided to
take in some of the beautiful natural scenery around  Queenstown
with a drive through rugged Skipper's canyon on a dirt road literally hugging the
side of the canyon walls. There
were several warning signs that the road is narrow and dangerous at points, but
that made it all the more fun. Naomi
thought the scenery was worth a few screams and close calls.
We went out to the bridge where Pipeline does their bungy and where A.J.
Hackett does special jumps, but they were deserted.
views were awesome – a sort of mini- Grand Canyon with High Sierras thrown in,
but surrounded by sparkling silver shale stone all around.
It was one of the most beautiful drives we’d ever been on – and we
were virtually alone, except for a few hundred sheep, three sheep dogs and a
surly herder who wasn’t pleased that I honked the horn coming around a curve
in case there was a car coming.

At the bottom of the canyon, the river banks are full of
multi-colored stones like a collection of dull, odd-sized marbles – green,
red, gray, white, brown, black. We
made a composition of rock and Naomi
played Ellie-May Clampett on a nearby tractor. On
the way back, we crossed paths with some buses pulling rafts that obviously
couldn’t imagine that a little Mitsubishi rental car would be on that road.
We came within a few meters before maneuvering around each other with a
smile. The kiwis we’ve met seem to get a kick out everything –
even close calls – confirming the fun-loving stereotype.
We eventually made it back alive and after a Subway lunch,
we took the gondola ride to the top of Bob’s Peak high above the river.
At the top they have a go-kart-like 3-wheeled luge ride which looks like a
lame kiddy ride from the gondola, making you wonder why all the adults are
laughing their asses off,
until you find yourself screaming ten
minutes later. They have an ingenious braking and steering mechanism you
learn in about 5 seconds. We put on
the goofy helmets and went down the scenic “beginners” track the first time,
which still left us a little room to bump fenders down the straight-aways. Then
we had a go at the “advanced” track with screeching hairpins, screaming
hills and a jump on which Naomi caught some serious air.
For some inexplicable reason I went down the gravity-based track a lot
faster than Naomi, so there was no bumping each other this time. It was a lot different than a flat track with engines, but
fun nonetheless. After the racing,
I decided
to take advantage of a volume discount offered by A.J. Hackett and jump
from the platform they have high above the lake called “The Ledge”.
The actual fall isn’t that far, but it appears much higher because you
look down 800 meters all the way to the town and lake.
It also is a different type of apparatus – attaching like a vest
instead of at the ankles. For this
one, I took a running leap from about ten feet back instead of the standard swan
dive. It was great dangling above
the city afterward. Naomi still
couldn’t be talked into doing one – even a little thing called “The
Swing” that just swings you out a little ways.
After jumping, we interviewed the jump crew, who had
typically straightforward Kiwi answers:

"Your health"
When we took the gondola back down, we got a birds-eye vies
of a guy doing a triple flip off the ledge – it was an awesome maneuver,
drawing applause from the audience. Back
in town, we got
the car and left Queenstown. We had
a great time here, and the locals are very friendly since they know that tourism
drives the economy. We especially
enjoyed the tour guide who signed us up for our next venture south to Te Anau. It’s funny how half the town names are English and half are
Maori – sort of like New York and Massachusetts.
The ride was through beautiful hilly country with plenty of sheep, as
usual. After a while, the land
flattened out a bit and started to look more like the US Midwest.
We got flashbacks of Indiana – especially when we pulled into the
trailer park we had arranged to stay in for the next two nights.
It was a resort-like deal, on the lakefront with whirlpool bath and a
sauna room. It was
nice to have a good bath for a change and relax – especially after expending
so much adrenalin the last couple days.
Day 308, Sat, Mar. 10, 2001 – Shopped for some
supplies in Te Anau, a small town with just 2,000 people and a couple
stoplights, then drove out to meet our boat for a cruise of Milford Sound.
The Sound
is actually a fjord in the midst of Fjordland National Park and is one of the
top attractions of the South Island. We
drove North – Milford is actually closer to Queensland than Te Anau as the
crow flies, but we’re not crows. We
were very lucky with the weather, as the clear blue sky contrasted nicely with
gray mountains, mossy green trees, golden brown fields, and snowy white peaks in
the distance. We stopped at some designated scenic and waterfall photo
spots (all very organized in New Zealand) with hundreds of Asian tourists in
dozens of buses – it was like we were back in Asia again, until we got back
out to the road and the burly Kiwi driver was posing for pictures with the tiny
The road goes through a wildly steep 1.2 kilometer tunnel,
emerging on the other side of a mountain range
in a gorgeous canyon. We arrived in
Milford just in time to board our boat – the Red Boat Cruiser – for the
3-hour cruise. The cruise goes
through the fjord and out to the ocean to
get a look at how original seamen like James Cook saw the fjord.
On the way, we passed some fishing boats, crystal clear waterfalls that
spray mist onto the deck, and seals swimming near us and sunning on rocks.
Some of them surrounded a school of fish and fed, swimming through the
middle of the circle. The seal fur
trade brought many of the early settlers to the area, then they discovered the
greenstone (jade) trade as well. One
of the highlights of the cruise is Mitre Peak, apparently the highest sheer drop
into water in the world. We also
stopped at an underwater observatory called “Milford Deep”, which descends
10 meters under
the surface to view the natural phenomenon known as deep-water emergence. Because there is always a layer of fresh water in the fjord due to
extensive rain, the
seawater below has the same conditions as the deep ocean, providing a unique
environment for animals and plant species and the only place in the world
visitors can see it. On the trip
back to port, the captain commented how lucky we were as this is the sunniest
day of the year. The Sound usually
gets 6 meters of rain per year.

After we had docked back at port, we interviewed the
"Staying above ground and enjoying life."
Back in Te Anau we went to our first rugby match.
The sport is more than a national pastime; it is a way of life bordering
on obsession. It is like
basketball, football, baseball, hockey, and celebrity watching all in one.
Kiwis can tell you all the major players, positions and statistics from
years back and where they were when championships were played.
The national team, the “All Blacks” is world famous and usually one
of the top teams in the world. They
play international matches at a stadium nicknamed “the House of Pain” and
try to intimidate opponents by doing a traditional Maori haka dance and war
chant, which includes muscle poses, punching movements and fierce faces
(ironically, the haka they chant is about a warrior who hid in a hole until his
enemies went away). The All Blacks won the first world cup in 1987, but
haven’t won it since – a source of deep national shame and mourning –
especially when their rivals the Aussies win, as in 1999.
The team’s name comes from their uniforms, not the ethnic mix, although
Maoris and Pacific Islanders have figured prominently on the team throughout its
history. At the local level, there
are 140,000 rugby club players, which feed into 26 regional teams in five
divisions based on population. Today’s
match was strictly a local club affair. It
looked like Little League Baseball in the US - there were cars parked along the
sidelines, and people were standing around, sitting on lawn chairs, or leaning
on their hoods drinking beer (the other New
Zealand national pastime). The
players looked like normal-sized guys – clerks, bartenders, and accountants
– but they went at each other like beasts. It was all pretty confusing,
especially for
Americans to understand. Near as we
can tell, the objective is to beat the crap out of guys on the other team with
elbows, knees, eye gouges, punches, etc. while pretending like you’re trying
to advance the ball with a series of runs and backward passes.
Once in a while, the sides will bow down and face each other
shoulder-to-shoulder in a scrum, which looks like guys wrapping around each
other and trying to shove their heads up a teammate’s hind side.
Once in a while, someone will kick the ball forward, and sometimes they
will toss it in from the side to teammates being hoisted up by their friends
grabbing their shorts and giving them an enormous wedgy.
Everybody on the sideline seemed to be a coach of one kind or another,
yelling encouragement or cursing at the other team, which was from another town.
asked some of the guys to explain the scoring, and they cleared up our confusion
a little bit – also pointing out that “our guys don’t wear no pads like
Yank sissies”. We changed the
subject to the All Black team, adding that we saw on the telly that their most
famous player, Jonah Lomu (a Tongan) had just signed to be some kind of movie
star. The sideline coaches were
dismissive saying he wasn’t too bright with his money.
We joked that maybe he’d taken too many head shots on the rugby field,
but one guy said “Nah, that’s a problem with his breed, isn’t it?”.
Maybe he’s the one with too many shots to the head.
After the game, we went to a lame Italian restaurant and
went the local pub, The Ranch, to see what kind of live band they had.
It was like walking into 1980’s Iowa – jeans, big hair, cowboy boots.
The band was doing covers, mocked by some huge Danish guys shooting pool.
Day 309, Sun, Mar. 11, 2001
– Checked out of our little motor home and started the “Southern Scenic
Route” through mountains, rolling hills and farmland, visiting with thousands
of lambs, hundreds of cows, a few horses and some deer creatures. There were
even a couple hawks picking at some road kill.
For entertainment, Naomi has taken to honking and waving to the
livestock. We’ve found that cows
respond much better than sheep, and horses don’t respond at all.
Part of the scenic route is an old stone bridge which has since been replaced by
a more modern, sturdy one. As we returned from taking a look at it, we
realized we had locked our keys in the car.
After trying our own lame methods, we stopped two fishermen
coming up from the river. The laughed, then pulled out an enormous
first-generation Motorola cell phone and called roadside service. They
were great guys, but we could only understand about half of what they said as
vowels smashed together and rolled over each other in a thick stew. About
20 minutes later a guy pulled up in a pickup truck with his family as if he was
coming to picnic at the bridge. This was the service guy. It took
him about 5 seconds to jimmy our lock and he was off - no paperwork, no
handshake, no payment. It was a pretty weird experience all
We stopped in Invercargill for
lunch. This Southern-most city in
NZ has a reputation for being a bit backward, which has absolutely nothing to do
with the concentration of Scottish descendents in the area.
We could have taken a quick inland route, but decided to go with Lonely
Planet’s recommendation to take the coastal route through the Catlins, a
national park of scrubby sand dunes and forests.
It’s amazing the different types of environments we’ve seen in just a
few days. The route is
slow, winding through the bottom of the island and up to Nugget Point, where an
old lighthouse watches over jagged islands populated by sea lions, seals, and
sea birds. The islands are
surrounded by huge bladder kelp forests, some swirling in the tide pools like
giant bowls of fettuccini. We
watched with binoculars from the lighthouse, sharing the view with some French
tourists before continuing on to Dunedin, the second largest city on the South
Island. As befitting as its name
(which is Celtic for Edinburgh), it is the center of Scottish New Zealand ,
complete with a whiskey distillery, haggis ceremonies, and a statue of Robert
Burns in the city center. Come to
think of it, the scrubby hills on the way did remind us of the hilly moors of
Scotland. We checked into a central
hotel, and I had the best lamb shank of my life.
So that’s what happens to all those cute furry guys Naomi’s been
talking to all week?
Day 310, Mon, Mar. 12, 2001
– Today we checked email, walked around the Victorian old town a bit, then drove
around the Otago Peninsula, a sort of nature reserve jutting out into the
Pacific. We stopped at a
penguin reserve, but saw mostly seals and sea lions lounging on the rocks.
There were about 40 of them, swimming, playing, sleeping – it was fun
to watch them maneuver
around the rugged landscape of the rocks - somehow walking, running and climbing
with two flippers as arms, and their tail behaving like two feet tied together.
One baby seal kept running around in a panic, whining as if he lost his
mother. Another one climbed way up
near to us, lifting his head to smell us, then croaking to his friends below.
went to the Albatross colony to see some of the biggest birds in the world (with
wingspans of 3 meters), but we only saw a few flying in the distance.
Funny enough, we haven’t seen any of the namesake kiwi birds in New
Zealand either. There were, however,
a few of those deer critters outside the colony taking handouts from tourists.
peninsula is also home to the gloomy Larnach Castle.
As we drove up the hill toward it, a fog rolled in, casting an eerie
cloud over the grounds. The mood
fit the history of the place - rich people, lecherous old
men, evil step moms quarrelling over inheritance and suicide– a regular
“Dynasty” plot. The house
didn’t seem too inviting, but they did have a beautiful garden.
Down the hill we stopped by a Maori
Marea, or community center, but there was no one around.
were disappointed because we wanted to meet some Maori folks but haven’t seen
many at all our whole time in New Zealand. After a great Indian dinner, we
met a Servas host at his home high in the hills with beautiful views over the
bay. He was nice to welcome us and
share some information about his country, but he wasn’t too impressed with our
home. It may have been his irreverent kiwi
humor, but we recall he said something like “Los Angeles is the asshole of the world as far as I’m concerned”.
When we asked him to elaborate, he mentioned the usual – crowds,
traffic, smog, too big, too many posers, etc.
Of course, we’d heard it all before and agree with some of it, but
nothing along the lines of “asshole of the world” – especially after some
of the places we’ve seen. Aside from being rude, our host was a bit shortsighted,
failing to realize how easy it is to run a tiny country with no international
importance and just half as many people as Los Angeles alone.
He also pointed out some national issues that put the US behind the rest
of civilization – the death penalty (outlawed in most countries), gun
prevalence (the US sets the standard), and the metric system (we are the last
holdouts due to sheer stubbornness). Of
course we ran out of good reasons, so it was time to leave.
We had planned to check out the famous Dunedin music scene anyway (it is,
after all, the home of Neil Finn of
Split Enz and Crowded House fame). The
Arc Pub was having an acoustic night, so we stopped there, somehow avoiding the
casino across the street at the Southern Cross Hotel.
Day 311, Tues, Mar. 13, 2001
– Left Dunedin after negotiating the “steepest street in the world”
to Guinness, and headed North back to Christchurch. On the way, we stopped at Moeraki to see the unusual stone
boulders lying around the beach like marbles left by some giant.
Maori legends say they are food baskets and sweet potatoes dropped by
migratory canoes, but scientists call them sectarian concretions, whatever that
Further North is Timaru, birthplace
of the famous racehorse Phar Lap, and home to Richard Pearse, who is claimed to
have invented an airplane before the Wright Brothers did.
We have trouble believing that one, but there’s no arguing the Kiwi’s
invention of water sprinklers, child-proof bottles, Velcro, and (of course)
bungy jumping. We arrived in Christchurch just in time for another
incredible sunset over the city. We checked into the recently remodeled
Stonehurst, a famous backpacker haunt with a room to fit every budget. We got a
tiny en suite room, and then went to the movies again to see Quills, with
incredible acting all around – not just Geoffrey Rush and his Oscar
nomination. The film really makes
one think of the power of literature (art?) to not only amuse and entertain, but
also to stimulate, provoke, corrupt, and most importantly make one use his mind.
No wonder Nazis burned books and despots trying to keep their subjects
Day 312, Wed, Mar. 14, 2001
– Today we took the car back to Ray, who gave it the once over, then had
his friend give us a ride to the airport. We
had to fly back to Auckland first, and then wait for
three hours for our flight to Fiji. We
had a great time in New Zealand. The
scenery is stunning and unbelievably clean and organized.
We saw no trash or graffiti for three weeks. It was a nice change, but a bit of a shock to our system.
The people were very friendly, but tinged with a sort of arrogance.
We would probably get used to it if we spent more time here and it
won’t keep us from recommending the country to our friends, especially the
more adventurous outdoor types.
If you would like to follow our adventure in Fiji, please click here: Photojournal
March 14 - 21, 2001
If you have any comments, suggestions, or other feedback, please see our
contact information and send us a note.
Thanks for your support!