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PHOTOJOURNAL July 29 - August 11, 2000 Day 86, Sat, July 29, 2000 – We had a little dispute with the hotel over the phone rates for uploading the website last night. They told us a rate for each minute, but the subsequent charges were much higher. They finally relented, which was very nice, and we headed for the airport. It was nice taking a plane for a change after riding rails all over Europe for three months. With the time difference and a two hour delay, it took most of the day to get to Cairo. We took our arranged ride to the Sheraton Royal Garden in Giza, another "points" hotel for us. Their policy of fleecing the assumed rich business traveler was evident when we were hit for $20 for two drinks at the hotel bar. Afterward, we didn’t realize how much we actually missed American entertainment until we watched the movie “Coma” from the 70s. Bad acting and cheesy music, but we couldn't stop watching nonetheless. Day 87, Sun, July 30, 2000 –I visited Cairo about
nine years ago, but Naomi has never been to Egypt. We are both looking forward to this next phase of our
journey. Egypt has been a tourist
attraction from nearly the beginning of time, not only as the mouth of the
life-giving Nile and gateway to Africa for many, but also as the home of the
only remainder of the seven wonders of the ancient world –the mighty pyramids
at Giza. Tourism is second only to
petroleum industries in driving the economy.
Terrorists are aware of this importance as well, having killed 9 tourists
at the museum and 57 in Luxor in 1997. Security has since been heightened to protect this source of
income. Today, most visitors to
Egypt still concentrate on the Pharonic period, unique in all the world.
This culture, which worshipped kings (pharaohs) as gods, developed a
complex structure of gods and myths, codified magic spells in the Book of the
Dead, built the largest tombs ever designed and invented amazingly successful
embalming and mummification procedures sets Egypt apart from any other country.
What is amazing is that much of this elaborate culture was lost to
history and speculation until the ancient hieroglyphics were deciphered by a
Frenchman after 20 years of work with the famous Rosetta Stone found in 1798.
No other country has an entire science named after it, Egyptology, which
got its biggest boost with the discovery of the completely intact tomb of the
minor boy-king Tutankhamun in 1922. The
amazing works of art pulled from the tomb are the oldest intact masterpieces
ever discovered (notwithstanding cave paintings).
We plan to visit them in the next couple days. Egyptian history since the time of the pharaohs is a
who’s who of world conquerors and travelers including Greeks under Alexander
the Great; Romans under Caesar and Marc Antony (both fell for the beautiful
Cleopatra, but the attraction was only fatal for Antony); the Christian holy
family’s arrival in Egypt after fleeing from Herod’s child murder decree;
the successive Muslim empires of Fatimids, Ayyubids, Mameluks and Ottomans; and
the rampaging Napolean whose troops used the enigmatic Sphynx for target
practice. The British
defeated the French at the battle of the Nile and their subsequent leasing of
the Suez canal led to the declaration of Egypt as a protectorate in World War I
(since the Turks/Ottomans sided with the Germans).
The British effectively controlled the area after defending it in WWII.
An independence drive led to the Suez Crisis of 1956 and eventual
independence from Britain and a 1971 constitution.
Egypt was one of the Arab losers in the six day 1967 war in which Israel
extended its territories, but won back the Sinai in 1973.
It was the first Arab country with a workable peace agreement with
Israel, brokered by US President Jimmy Carter at Camp David in 1978.
This perceived “concession” to Israel led to President Anwar
Sadat’s assassination by Islamic extremists in 1981. The country has since
been ruled by President Hosni Mubarak. The
democratic institutions are still somewhat limited by Western standards since
there is not really an organized opposition party (Mubarak won 94% of the votes
the last time around) and there have been recent restrictions on a professor
pushing for democratic reforms and charities and other NGOs receiving overseas
funding since their findings are often counter to official government reports.
The country is strictly Muslim, but more of a secular brand (as in
Turkey) rather than fundamentalist-leaning as in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. We took a walk from our hotel to get the real feel of the
town. Cairo is massive, some 15-20
million people depending on who’s counting (but what’s a few million once a
city’s resources are spread that thin?).
It is by far the largest city in Africa and a sort of
“capital” of the Arab world. Many
adjectives spring to mind: crowded, hot, loud, dirty, dusty, exotic, mysterious.
Above all it is unique - no other large metropolis has the curious
combination of fertile Nile basin We came upon a Sainsbury’s, the English supermarket
chain, and stocked up on some fruit, snacks and drinks for a couple days.
Naomi hit the jackpot with the first People Magazine she’d seen in 87
days – her eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas after having been deprived of
entertainment and celebrity gossip for so long.
It was perfect timing because this week’s celebrity topic was a
memorial tribute to John Kennedy Jr., one of her favorites.
Jamie was happy with Time and Newsweek (of course there is no Playboy
available here so he could read the great articles they have). After much sweat
and dust, we returned to our oasis in the desert, took a soothing swim and I
tried to write some and download photos as we ate cheese and salami for dinner.
We purposely avoid the hotel restaurants as the prices are beyond
ridiculous. We usually don’t mind
hotel prices since this is what most business travelers are used to, but in a
country this poor we are really
uncomfortable spending the equivalent of someone’s monthly salary on one
dinner. ******* Day 88, Mon, July 31, 2000 – We had prearranged an
8 am tour of the Pyramids, the number one attraction in Egypt and one of the top
attractions in the world. We
stopped first at the obligatory Papyrus factory, but we weren’t buying since
the Papyrus from my last visit here still hangs proudly in our living room They say there are 2 million in the largest pyramid, some weighing 15
tons. They supposedly made these
with no wheels and no mortar, with anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 workers.
Contrary to popular belief (and movies) most experts now believe they
were not built by slaves. The
interior of Cheops was closed to tourists, so we rode up to the third largest,
Micerinus. We were not allowed to
take cameras Most
visitors are unaware there are many more pyramids than the famous three – they
are all over Back in Giza we wanted to get a closer look at the Sphynx.
We went inside the separate area to get a good look ****** Day 89, Tues, Aug 1, 2000 – The Day of the Great
FedEx Tango. From the time we
arrived at the hotel we’ve been asking for a FedEx package that our friend
Susan sent from LA. It is very
important as it includes the new business cards and stickers for One Word
Foundation (we’ve been having to ******* Day 90, Wed, Aug 2, 2000 – In the morning we
packed up and moved to Sheraton Gezira and carried on to The items left with the boy king to accompany him on his
journey through And
these are just the regular household items in his tomb.
There are also the solid alabaster canopic jars for his insides and their
gold cases, as well as statues of all the animal gods he honored (bull, falcon,
jackal, lion, leopard, monkey, etc.). A
separate room houses the contents of his sarcophagus,
After lunch we took a taxi to the Al Azhar mosque and
related university, supposedly the oldest in the world.
There was this great little kid playing an old fashioned game of “kick
the can” across the interior courtyard of the mosque.
We couldn’t visit this neighborhood without wandering through the We were completely worn out and took a long break back at
the hotel dealing with internet, website and banking issues before going for a
walk near the hotel for dinner. We
found this unbelievable little vegetarian place for falafel and beans for just a
dollar. There was no sign outside
and just a small counter with a big crock pot of stewed beans.
The guys at the curio shop next door led us to it, so we took a look at
their goods. They actually turned
out to be great guys and we bought a couple of pieces (for less than half of
what other shops ask for). ******* Day 91, Thur, Aug 3, 2000 – We slept in this
morning since the horrendous disco downstairs blared in the open air until after
3:00 AM. We went back to our
favorite falafel place and saw Sharif and Essam again at their shop.
They were entertaining two Scandinavian girls, Ellen from Norway and
Suzanne from Sweden. We took the opportunity to interview all of them. Sharif: “The
most important thing in life is not to hurt anyone because if you do, then you
will get hurt. I believe no pain,
no gain. I believe in God and my
family, which is very important. Oh
yes: and love conquers all.” Wahid: “To love life and make a good life and future for me and for my family” Essam: “To stay alive and be well for my wife and my children.
To thank God for my health so I can provide for them and protect them”
Suzanne: “To live with passion. Develop yourself. Don’t do things mediocre – do them because you care” Ellen: “The
most important thing is to be careful. Don’t
get ripped off or taken advantage of – especially in Egypt” (note: she
had just been cheated by a papyrus vendor) After talking we arranged to meet for dinner later so Sharif could show us a “real” shish kebab restaurant – “the best in Cairo”. We had a lot of packing to do for our trip tomorrow since we planned to leave Wheely Beast here and only take the two backpacks. It took us most the afternoon to sort out, then we walked to the shop to meet. We got a wild-ass taxi from there and had the best meal we had in Egypt. We got back at 11:30, just 6 hours before we had to be on a 12-hour bus to Jerusalem and the disco was cranking as loud as ever. ****** Day 92, Fri, Aug 4, 2000 – Needless to say, we were incredibly crispy as we took a pre-dawn taxi to the other Sheraton for the bus. A life-saving tea man arrived just in time for me to order a double as we waited outside. Of course, we could have slept a lot more since the bus did not arrive for loading until 6:20. The roads in Cairo were eerily deserted as we left. It looked like a completely different city and reminded us of those old nuclear disaster movies where entire cities are wiped out and the hero is the only person left. The ride was too bumpy to nap or read so we jostled along for hours and hours of dry empty Sinai desert. We only wandered here for 10 hours on a bus, so I can’t imagine what 40 days and 40 nights on foot would feel like. When the road calmed a bit I read some Middle East history and travel guides which tweaked my memories of a short trip to Jerusalem in 1994 and many subsequent events, discussions and news items since then. Saying
Jerusalem has some interesting history is like saying Bill Gates has a little
money. It The three monotheistic religions of the world claim
Jerusalem as sacred ground: Jews as
their ancestral home, promised land and site of two great temples destroyed by
enemies; The abbreviated (and somewhat disputed depending on what
you read and who you talk to) history of this area goes something like this:
between 1400 and 1000 BC the descendents of Abraham conquered most of the
area called Canaan. After the chiefs of the tribes of Israel elected David, they
finally conquered the city of Jebus (Jerusalem) and brought the Ark of the
Covenant there. The kingdom grew
under David’s son, Solomon, to stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Solomon built the first temple, but it was destroyed in 567 BC by
Nebuchadnezzer, King of Babylon and Israelites were forced into exile.
Babylon was overthrown and Jews returned and built the second temple
under Persian rule in 515 BC. Alexander
the Great came more or less peaceably in 332 BC, followed by Egyptians and
Seleucids. Maccabean Jews revolted
against Seleucids and reconsecrated the Temple in 164 BC.
The Romans arrived under Pompey in 63 BC. Herod ruled from 40 BC to 4 AD and built up the city,
including the Temple Mount. Herod
did much for the city, but his fear and vanity led to his famous massacre of all
newborn babies in an attempt to do away with the heralded Messiah (he felt a bit
put out since “King of the Jews” was his job).
Joseph and Mary escaped to Egypt with the baby Jesus.
Some 30 years later the revolutionary Jesus was preaching an entirely
different religion that was so threatening to the reigning Jewish and Roman
leaders it got him crucified as a blasphemer.
Jews rebelled against corrupt Roman rule, but Titus came in 70 AD to put
down a rebellion and Jerusalem was destroyed again.
Hadrian rebuilt it in the second century, but it changed dramatically
when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in 331 (see
Istanbul journal). All of the sites
important to the life of Jesus were identified and commemorated, most notably
the site of his crucifixion, where the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built. Pilgrims flocked from throughout the Roman and subsequent
Byzantine Empires. In 614 Persians
again conquered Jerusalem and by 638 Islam had taken over, naming it a Holy
City. The Dome of the Rock was
built on the Temple Mount in 691 to commemorate Mohammed’s trip to heaven.
Muslims ruled for 400 years until Christian Crusaders captured the city
in 1099. The Kurd Saladin drove out
Christians a hundred years later, but the 6th crusade won it back in
1229. This would only last a few
decades until Egyptian Mamelukes gained control.
250 years later the Turkish Ottomans took over, most notably under
Suleiman The Magnificent. By now, you’ve probably lost track of how many times
Jerusalem has been destroyed and changed hands. This history sets the back story and context, but it is
really the partition of territory in the 20th century that led to the
crisis situation we have today. After
Suleiman’s death, the Ottoman Empire and Jerusalem declined for the next 300
years until Christian pilgrims and a renewed Zionist movement focused more
attention on Palestine in general and Jerusalem specifically.
Britain won the territory from the Turks after WWI and issued the Balfour
Declaration in 1917 supporting the idea of a Jewish national home in Palestine.
Unfortunately, Britain had already promised the territory to its Arab
allies in the war (remember Lawrence of Arabia?). This gave the centuries-old seeds of discontent substantial
fertilization. In 1922 the League
of Nations created the “British Mandate” but they could not stop the Zionist
and Arab antagonists. In 1947 the
new entity The United Nations voted to partition Palestine into two nations –
one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem neither.
Unfortunately, as it does today, the UN had weak enforcement abilities
and war broke out when Britain withdrew its forces in 1948.
The state of Israel was created and Jerusalem was divided.
Jordan was created and was
given administrative control of the remainder of Palestine until a Palestinian
state could be formed. Of course,
the state was never formed for reasons that are hotly disputed.
With the formation of Israel, Jewish refugees fled Arab nations and
Palestinian refugees fled the Jewish state, all leaving behind property and
histories. For twenty years Arab
countries refused to recognize the formation of Israel and actively condemned
it: sporadic battles, guerilla warfare and terrorist activities continued.
Animosities would boil over in the “Six Day War” of 1967 when Israel
captured the rest of Jerusalem (including the Old City) as well as other
Palestinian territories that it occupies until
today (e.g. the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights).
UN resolutions called for Israeli withdrawal, but this has not happened
due to Israeli “security concerns”. The
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed to carry out guerilla
warfare and terrorist attacks on civilians including the infamous Olympic
murders in 1972 (the organization has since been “legitimized” and its
leader, Yassar Arafat, heads the Palestinian Authority).
In 1973 Arab countries attacked Israel on the Jewish Yom Kippur holiday,
but were defeated by the superior Israeli forces.
The Camp David peace accord was signed with Egypt in 1978 (see Egypt Journal), but in 1982 there was another war in neighboring
Lebanon to put down terrorist activity. A
popular uprising called “intifada”
started in 1987, mostly with kids throwing stones at rifle-bearing Israeli
soldiers. Apparently, the Palestinian leadership and people do not read much
M.K. Gandhi or M.L. King or they may have a little more success. There were inevitably more casualties on the lesser-armed
Palestinian side and TV images of this somewhat helped their cause internationally.
Throughout all of these conflicts claims of atrocities abound on both
sides ("an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world
blind" - Gandhi). The US has earned the ire of
Arab countries for supporting Israel with defense and economic aid since it is
the so-called “island of democracy in a sea of turbulence and
dictatorships”. This is one of
the reasons the US is now known as “The Great Satan” by Muslim extremists
and has been the target of many terrorist actions (e.g. the 1993 World Trade
Center bombing, the 1996 truck bomb at military barracks in Saudi Arabia, and
1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania). Various peace accords were agreed
throughout the 90’s (including one with Jordan in 1994),
which led to mutual recognition of each side's right to exist (this is as
ridiculous as it sounds, but necessary nonetheless), limited self-rule for some
of the occupied territories, and timetables for various events.
Things were somewhat moving along when Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak
Rabin was assassinated by hard-line Jews (just as Egypt’s Anwar Sadat was
assassinated for making peace with Israel) and the agreements always found a way
to not getting implemented, resulting in the finger-pointing and name-calling
stalemate we have today. The latest
failing is the recent Camp David meetings hosted by Bill Clinton in his
desperate attempt to maintain stability in the oil-rich region (and forge a non-Monica
legacy for himself). The manufactured TV photo ops were unfortunately more
laugh-inducing than hope-inspiring - all men trying to act jovial with Arafat in
the same anachronistic uniform he has been wearing for decades (like Fidel
Castro’s Army fatigues and Kim Jong Il’s goofy Mao jacket), Barak with his
perpetual crooked smile that makes you wonder what in the world he could be
thinking, and Clinton a good foot taller than either of them trying to maintain
an air of respect for each when what he’d really like to be able to do is
knock their heads together like an old-fashioned Arkansas father and make them
get along with each other. After
the talks collapsed, Clinton publicly blamed Arafat, causing him to bounce all
over the world trying to drum up support for a unilateral declaration of
statehood on September 13.
Whether he gets it is anyone’s guess, but the US has been trying to
beat him to the lobbying punch with world leaders.
What is certain is that all bets are off if he does declare unilaterally
without a signed deal in place. The biggest stumbling blocks to peace (apart
from fiery rhetoric from extremists on both sides) are the separation of
Jerusalem, the exact boundaries of a Palestinian state, and the rights of
refugees to return to their property and/or be adequately compensated. All this history weighs heavily on the city like a
wet wool blanket – preventing fresh air and new perspectives from reaching the
l From the wall, we walked through the crowded maze of alleys
and narrow streets that make up the biggest portion of the Old City, the Arab
quarter. ******* Day 93, Sat. Aug 5, 2000 – Well, after wandering
around taking in the atmosphere of the city for a couple days, we’ve really
got a sense of the tension in the air – in the heated arguments between
shopkeepers and police, the seriousness of the machine-gun wielding Israeli
Defense Forces, the rhetoric in both the Israeli and Arab newspapers, the
hurried steps of Orthodox men as they practically run through the Arab quarter of
town on the way to the Western Wall. As
indicated in our Mission Statement, we promote no religion over any other, so we
sit as outsiders looking in trying to maintain neutrality, independence and
objectivity in the most partisan and subjective place in the world.
Of course it is very difficult to discuss both sides of the issue at the
same time since the level of emotion and passion runs very high in everyone.
This is understandable as virtually everyone you meet has been touched by
conflict – harassed or imprisoned, a loved one killed or maimed, property
taken or destroyed, hopes crushed. Every
negative emotion humans have is felt on both sides – mistrust, fear, animosity,
retaliation, revenge, antagonism, retribution and hatred. The hatred
is impossible for someone from the outside to understand
- one would have to have suffered in the ways these people have.
Centuries of very real torment and persecution have created a collective
Jewish conscience of mistrust and defensiveness.
They have earned their reputation of toughness because they have had to. However, critics claim that this has also created an
arrogance in some Jews - a sort of collective cultural “chip on the
shoulder” that they dare anyone to take a swipe at so they can retaliate with
charges of “anti-Semitism”. By
the same token, some Arabs dare anyone to mention the incredible number of
hijackings, kidnappings, terrorist acts, and "ecstasy via martyrdom" carried out by Muslims so they can
claim stereotyping and anti-Arab bias. We
contend, as we always have, that there are good and bad people included in any
group, regardless of what is used to define the group and the qualities that
make up a good person have nothing to do with race, gender, size, color,
nationality, religion, ethnicity, etc. Of course, our opinions are not the only ones in Jerusalem.
: merchants, taxi drivers, professors, tour guides, students and
strangers are all anxious to share theirs.
Most opinions follow ethnic and religious lines, sounding more like
political slogans than real conversations, but there are a surprising number of
anti-occupation Israelis as well as Palestinians who don’t necessarily support
a Jerusalem capital. We would love
to get a Jewish settler and a Palestinian refugee in a room together and listen
to both sides debate rationally, but such a thing could never happen. We therefore bounce back and forth from one side’s
propaganda to the others trying to separate fact and history from legend and
dogma. The two sides can’t even
agree on simple things like whether 1967 should be called a “war” or an
“invasion” - much less who started it.
Even the definition of a Palestinian is debated.
In an environment with so much mutual distrust and antagonism, I cannot
imagine being at the table in Camp David trying to bridge the differences.
The problem is, every argument has an element of legitimacy, so an
objective observer gets into the delicate, imprecise science of guessing which
argument is “more” legitimate, if there is such a concept.
Jews have an argument because they were here first, but this logic opens
a huge can of worms around the world: is the occupation of white farms in
Zimbabwe by blacks justified? Would
Americans be willing to give back productive land rather than dessert to Native
Americans? What if the descendents
of the original residents of Jerusalem who were defeated by David showed up with
land claims in hand? Jews certainly
deserve a homeland (as any nation does) after
centuries of repression and antagonism, topped off by the horrible Nazi attempt
at annihilation, but what becomes of the people who settled there in the
intervening centuries? Palestinians have also been promised a nation.
Arabs have an argument because their mosques are holy places, but they
are admittedly the third holiest site in Islam (after Mecca and Medina).
Arabs have a right to be upset if, in fact, UN resolutions and other
agreements have not been honored by Israel, but does that give them the right to
wage terror campaigns and dedicate themselves to the destruction of Israel?
We could go on and on (and I’m sure this journal will be picked apart
by both sides for “factual inaccuracies”, “interpretations” and
“slanted opinions”). As a
matter of fact, saying anything at all risks alienating one side or the other.
One is better off as a tourist, and sometimes better off as a politician,
not to say anything at all except “there will probably never be peace in
Jerusalem, but if there is it will be because the Arabs and Israelis want it,
not because I want it”. One is reminded of the ancient parable of the children
who could not agree to share a toy, so their father cut it in half, giving a
useless half to each child (or was that Solomon cutting a baby in half?)
Unfortunately, there is no father figure here except God, and he has left
it to humans for the time being to sort out – humans on opposite sides who
each swear that they are abiding by God’s will (and are willing to die to
prove it). So what does one do? Sit
on the sidelines and hope and pray for the best? This is the dominant Christian approach since they are a tiny
minority in Jerusalem, despite the importance of the city to their beliefs and
they maintain no sovereignty claims over it.
One of the proposals on the table is to make the old city an
“international” city administered by a neutral body like the United Nations
(similar to the 1947 United Nations vote).
Unfortunately, given the UN’s history of peacekeeping in other disputed
areas, most politicians are not anxious to throw the hottest potato of all into
the UN’s lap. On a happier note, we were pleasantly surprised by two
items from the Jerusalem Post today: 1) a 24 year old Palestinian man who could
not swim jumped into Lake Kinnert to save a drowning Jewish boy - the boy
survived, but the man is in critical condition; and 2) the Middle East
Children’s Association, which promotes cross-cultural education programs to
foster understanding is run by an Israeli whose own son was kidnapped and killed
by terrorists – he was quoted: “haven’t we all suffered enough?
Haven’t enough people died on both sides?
Will blaming each other for the past make a better future?” Sometimes hope is found in the most unexpected places. ****** Day 94, Sun Aug 6, 2000 – We walked across Kidron
after breakfast and went through the metal detectors, searches and security
checks before entering the Temple Mount area (El-Haram es-Sharif to
Muslims). As a concession to
Arabs, the entire area is administered by the “Wakf” Muslim religious After returning our skirts and exiting the mount, we tried
to go in the recently-unearthed tunnel under the mount.
Unfortunately, you need reservations, which we did not have.
We continued along the Via Dolorosa (the “Way of the Cross”) which
Jesus walked on his way to his crucifixion.
Along the route are 14 “stations” which represent scenes from the
bible or subsequent dogma (e.g. receiving the cross, falling, dying, laying in
his After accumulating the historical and spiritual weight of
the city, we could understand how some people have actually been diagnosed with
a malady called “Jerusalem Syndrome” in which they imagine themselves to be
characters from the bible or history.
We maintained our sanity with the perfect Sadly, we read in today’s Post that the Palestinian man
who saved the Israeli boy from drowning died in the hospital from his efforts. ****** Day 95, Mon Aug 7, 2000 – We spent the morning
touring the Christian holy places on our side of town – the Mount of Olives,
including the Gethsemane garden, church and grotto, where Jesus often meditated
and prayed for guidance. He was
also betrayed by Judas and arrested here. The
garden is very peaceful, with bougainvillea, cacti and ancient olive trees.
We carried on to Mary’s tomb in a gloomy subterranean rock-hewn church,
the Basilica of Agony, and the golden onion-domed Russian Orthodox Church.
All the history and devotion made us hungry, so we continued down the
hill to the Lion’s Gate of the Old City for a great shwarma lunch
and then to the Garden Tomb, a more modern, alternative location for the
crucifixion and tomb of Jesus. The
location is controversial, but as the operators of the site admitted, what
happened is more important than where it happened. On the way out, a begging woman sitting in the street with her
baby stopped playing her Nintendo long enough to ask us for some change for her
baby's food. In the afternoon, we went to the Jerusalem Hotel to meet
our guide for a tour of a Palestinian refugee camp. We wanted to do this to see for ourselves what all the
rhetoric was about and hear the other side of the story. We had attempted to locate some Servas hosts on the
Palestinian side, but there are none – something we hope to address in the
future. Our guide for the tour,
Abu, gave the history lesson on the suffering of the refugees at the hands of
their “oppressors” as we sat in the living room of a house in the Amari
camp. This camp is one of the
oldest, so it resembles a run-down Middle Eastern suburb more than the tents one
envisions from watching CNN coverage of other refugee problems. Abu spoke of the significant economic and social problems
related to their lack of freedom and rights.
If everything he said is true, then the Palestinians have certainly been
treated unjustly for the past 50 years. We
asked plenty of questions (as did the Norwegians on the tour) to try to get at facts instead of propaganda, but it
was difficult. It was definitely
worth the visit since (as Dad always said) there are at least three sides to
every story – my side, your side and the truth.
The truth is hard to come by in the gray universe of Middle East
politics. As we left the house, we
saw plenty of little kids running and playing in the streets following us as if
they had never seen a foreigner before. We
also saw a fair number of unemployed men standing around (much like Eastern
Europe and Africa). After we took a sherut back home, we met a host we
contacted through Servas, Tamar, for a walk around the neighborhood and dinner
at the Seven Arches restaurant. She
said the restaurant was built by Palestinians over a Jewish cemetery, but
fortunately her buried relatives were left intact.
She was genuinely surprised that we went into the refugee camp today.
That trip could never be done by an Israeli for fear of being “caught
behind enemy lines”. It suddenly struck us that we have done many things that
most residents would fear to do. The restaurant’s Middle Eastern cuisine was
excellent and Tamar filled in some of the blanks we had regarding the Jewish
faith (clothing, prayers, kosher food, Sabbath observances, politics, marriage,
etc.). We understood things much better, although we are still
having trouble with the prohibition of cheeseburgers on religious grounds.
Tamar explained that not mixing milk and meat was one of the hundreds
(not 10) commandments that the more devout Jews try to follow.
This topic will be in the news much more in the future if Al Gore wins
the presidential election and the US has its first Orthodox Jewish Vice
President, Joseph Lieberman. Needless
to say, Gore’s selection of running mate has caused severe consternation in
the Arab world, since they have historically perceived a pro-Israeli stance from
the US. On a non-Jerusalem note, George Speight was finally
arrested for his part in the coup in Fiji. ****** Day 96, Tues Aug 8, 2000 – Took the bus to
Damascus Gate, then walked through the city to the Jewish quarter.
This is an island of calm compared to the beehive of activity in the Arab
quarter because it is primarily dedicated to schools, synagogues, and
administrative offices. At times we had whole streets to ourselves.
Many of them are very clean, as if they were just built yesterday.
The area did have a major reconstruction after being
“captured/liberated” in 1967. We
went into the large, orderly souvenir shop (the only one in the quarter) and
bought a small gift for our good friend, Susan. We continued on to the neighboring Armenian quarter, which
had its own distinct character, then the Tower of David and Jaffa Gate area,
with views of Mt. Zion, where the tomb of David and the room of the Last Supper
are located. We met another Servas
member, Amitai, who gave us the tour of West Jerusalem by car.
We went to a panorama spot overlooking the entire city and Amitai
explained the layout of the territories before and after 1967, ****** Day
97, Wed Aug 9, 2000 – In the morning, we walked again past the solemn
Jewish cemetery, with rocks left on tombstones by visitors (Tamar told us that
Jewish Afterward, we decided to join the millions of other
pilgrims that have come to Jerusalem this year and add our prayers and
meditations for peace. However,
unlike the other pilgrims, we visited the primary place of worship for each of
the three religions in the same afternoon.
We closed our eyes in silence in the Dome of the Rock, added our note on
paper to the thousands stuffed into the cracks in the Western Wall, and knelt at
the rock of Calvary in the hope that somehow, somewhere someone is listening
(and responding). In Jerusalem, it
is sadly easy to have doubts. After such heavy duties in the Old City, we wanted to get a
feel for the other parts of Jerusalem, particularly the modern Jewish areas of
West Jerusalem. We took a bus to
Damascus Gate, had our standard falafel lunch, then walked up to the Ben Yehuda
neighborhood and Zion Square, center From modern, secular Israel, we walked two blocks to the
middle of 19th-century ulta-conservative Judaism. In the
Mea She’arim area, men are in long black overcoats and hats, children have
crisp white shirts and tight side-curls, and women are covered from head to toe
(except their faces). It is
recommended by all guides to wear long pants and head coverings and there are
signs on the streets asking tourists to respect the residents’ privacy and way
of life by staying quite, refraining from photography and not traveling through
in groups. I zipped on my
convertible pants and Naomi wrapped her legs in the batik sarong we got in
Spain. Unfortunately, this actually reduced our level of modesty, as it was the
most colorful thing we saw all afternoon. The area is very interesting, like
seeing the Warsaw ghetto in 1860, plus cars. We are now old hands with the local transportation system,
so we found the sherut ride back to the hotel and crashed. Throughout our stay
here, we have been able to link to the internet, so we uploaded some things, and
continued our fight with Mindspring about our website problems.
By now we have lost not only time and money, but opportunities to promote
our site properly and drive traffic. We
are still hoping for the best. ****** Day 98, Thursday, Aug 10, 2000 – Well, maybe
we’re not such old hands at the transportation system. We got to the central bus station OK, and we think we Back on the bus, we all had a little jump when one of the
soldiers dropped his machine gun in the isle of the bus – he picked it up with
a sheepish grin as we all looked at each other wide-eyed.
On the way back to Jerusalem, you really get a feel for the barrenness of
the country outside the cultivated areas. There
seems to be boulders and rubble everywhere – you would not know that this land
is so desperately fought over by driving through it. From the bus station we walked to the Western Wall since
today is Tisha Be’Av, the Jewish day of mourning and remembrance of the
destruction of their temples. We
had heard that there may be disturbances as there have been on prior Holy days,
but luckily there was none and the crowd seemed calm in their observances, a
little more solemn than they were last Friday.
We hiked up Mount of Olives again, then took a taxi to meet another
Servas friend, Eldad, for dinner at the Jerusalem Hotel.
We had a huge spread of Lebanese specialties and we traded travel stories
with him. He is our age and quite secular, so we had a lot of things in common.
We relived our favorite Seinfeld episodes, which are quite popular in
Israel. It really made us homesick
realizing how much we miss our favorite comedies like Simpsons, South Park,
Friends and Saturday Night Live. We
also miss other stuff like Discovery Channel, A&E Biography and the Travel
Channel (although we’re living our own travel channel every day).
We even miss taping and watching Jeopardy together, especially now that
we can ace the “World Geography” and “World Politics” categories.
Unfortunately we’ve fallen behind on the “American Pop Culture”
category although it’s tough to miss Tom Cruise, Britney Spears and Gangsta
Rap everywhere we go – pushing the best of American “culture” to the world
masses. Back at the hotel, we had a great chat with the night
manager, Marwan . He’s a young guy who has traveled quite a bit in the US and
has a refreshing view on the conflict. It
is easier to have hope when you speak to level-headed young people who have
little interest in the past and only care for a bright, fair, peaceful and
prosperous future. Unfortunately, he did concede that there is a large group of
people in East Jerusalem (and the rest of the occupied territories) who feel
they have lost so much that they have nothing to lose by armed conflict.
These types of people are very dangerous because as Abu told us in the
refugee camp, the arms will be much more equal this time compared to rocks vs.
guns last time. ****** Day 99, Fri, Aug 11, 2000 – In the morning we
walked to the Temple of Assumption next door to the hotel from where Jesus
ascended to heaven (it has since been converted to a mosque) and the nearby
Pater Noster Church, with “The Lord’s Prayer” in dozens of languages in
tile on the walls to show the breadth of Christianity. As this is our last day, we walked to the Intercontinental
for a last view of the Old City. With
the accumulated weight of all we had seen and everyone
****** To Follow us to Jordan, please click here: Photojournal August 11 - 24. If you have any comments, suggestions, or other feedback, please see our contact information and send us a note. Thanks for your support!